Why is there a need for a Future-Fit Supply Chain?
Our argument is that we have not created a society and a way of life that will continue to provide the opportunity for people and other life to flourish on earth forever. We believe that the future should be of a different shape for us to be part of it. And we want to inspire you to be part of this new future as well.
Our future vision
The vision is to create a society that protects the possibility that humans and other life will flourish on earth forever, by being environmentally restorative, socially just, and economically inclusive. Given where we are today, this vision can only be realized through a rapid and radical shift in the way our economy works. We want to work towards a regenerative future.
It is time to act
Our argument is that we have accumulated much knowledge about environmental problems, climate change, poverty, public health, and various social ills. We know a lot about conditions and causes and there is also a lot of knowledge and ideas about what could and ought to be done. We have a vision of what needs to happen but progress along this vision has been disappointing.
We must foster new skills
We also believe that we have a blind spot. The argument is that we talk far more about what ought to be done to resolve the problems out in the world than we talk about how to build skillfulness among the actors who are able to make the visions happen. What we want to achieve is a situation where we develop skills and other inner qualities for people and organizations to evolve in efforts to build a more sustainable world. That means
Future-fit Supply Chain is a framework
By having a framework that is easy to grasp and that describes those skills and qualities we hope to mobilize a greater and broader engagement and effort among Supply Chain professionals. Our hope is that with the Future-Fit Supply Chain boards, leaders and Supply Chain professionals, with new mental models, are able to create a future Supply Chain that serves nature and society in a regenerative way. A Supply Chain that builds on digital technologies, creates the visibility, agility, and adaptability for the talent in it to make the right decisions. Meeting the visions of the future but also increasing customer satisfaction as a source of competitive advantage.
Why is there a need to be regenerative?
We have moved from a Holocene state – ie. a state where the earth was able to regenerate the resources that we humans use. We are now in an Anthropocene state – ie. a state where we humans use more resources than the earth can regenerate. We have been reminded of this, among other things, with “Earth Overshoot Day” where e.g. Denmark already on 28 March 2021 had used the amount of resources that the earth can regenerate in one year.
What does the regenerative and Future-Fit Supply Chain do differently?
The future-fit company operates differently from what is normal today. It will, for example, eliminate more carbon than it produces, use only renewable energy and renewably sourced materials, create no waste and build everything for full circularity. It will replenish and make cleaner all the water it draws. As a people-driven company, it will ensure that everyone working in the value chain has the dignity of earning a living wage. The company actively offers extensive opportunities to include all races and abilities and achieve gender balance in management and pay equity.
How is value creation different?
Over the past 50 years, the predominant purpose of doing business has been to generate financial returns for the benefit of shareholders. When customers, resources, and the society on which businesses depend suffer due to inequality and environmental impact, the only right thing to do is to create a purpose-driven business.
Purpose-driven businesses create value not only for shareholders but also for the stakeholder groups, including customers, suppliers, employees, and communities, that are committed to the company. Does that mean companies shouldn’t make money? No. A business can only thrive in a strong and economically healthy society, but this also applies the other way around. In practical terms, being purpose-driven means that additional stakeholders need to be taken into account in decision-making processes. It also means that Supply Chain must not only think about delivering the product but also think about how the product is delivered throughout the value chain.
Why is it a movement?
There are so many things that we still do not have an answer for. We must take responsibility. Each of us. Every company. Join us when we discover and share the best cases, tools, and learnings in becoming true regenerative within the Supply Chain. Join us when we build the skills and qualities that are needed to successfully work with complex issues. Skills and qualities that are important for general well-being or for empowering individuals to lead satisfying lives while they run a competitive Supply Chain.