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In our modern world, businesses often focus on short-term gains and profits, but we must not forget that our very existence is intricately tied to the health and sustainability of the natural world.

Healthy people on a sick planet is not something we can imagine right?  However, in recent years, we have witnessed alarming signs of the impact of human activities on our natural world. 

Nature, in all its magnificent complexity, provides us with the resources we need to operate, thrive, and succeed. We are utterly dependent on the delicate balance of the environment. Sustainability is no longer enough. We need to become regenerative.


Which topic could you be interested in?

From risk to resilience - how the Supply Chain should embrace nature

The times where cost and optimization was the key parameter to hunt are over. It is time to design for the long term survival of the company.

Profit with a purpose

How do you need to design your business and what is natures role in the long term survival of the business.

Healthy people on a sick planet

How must we change in order to secure the long term survival of the business?

What others say about Alis as a speaker?

Alis is an extremely skilled speaker who effectively and engagingly conveys the message to the audience. Alis is particularly good when it is complicated topics that need to be communicated. Alis always has in-depth knowledge of the subject she is talking about and can therefore deliver the message in a clear and understandable way. Alis is skilled at capturing the audience’s attention and keeping them engaged throughout the lecture, i.a. by constantly adjusting the content according to the audience’s questions and reactions.

Lars Krogh, Organizer of Supply Chain Conference, Effektivitet

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