It is time to change the paradigm
All over the world businesses are working hard to ambitiously transform their companies into more sustainable ones, reducing impact. It is not really enough. 6 out of the 9 planetary boundaries are overshoot and businesses are still subject to volumetric growth. We have to change the paradigm: our companies should act as living beings, nested in the living world. Our collective challenge is to switch from extractive companies to regenerative companies.
It is time to develop a regenerative business and Value Chain within the planetary boundaries. Learn more about how in this book.

Nature Inspired Innovation: Building Regenerative Value Chains for the future
Neutrality, or “do no further harm,” is increasingly seen as an insufficient ambition considering the natural capital losses and climate tipping points, which threaten the health, security, and livelihoods of billions. There is growing recognition that efforts to...
What is a Regenerative Value Chain?
By embracing regenerative principles and practices at every stage of the Value Chain, businesses can work towards healing and restoring the social, environmental and economic systems they operate within.
What is Regeneration all about?
Fundamentally, a regenerative organization is an organization that gives more than it takes – to the individual employee, to the community, to the ecosystem it forms part of, to society and the world. A regenerative organization is an organization that creates...
Regenerative Practice: Ecoefficiency
Regeneration is about applying regenerative practices. Hence, it is not only about applying regeneration to the way leaders embrace the new paradigm. To use the car as an example: it is not enough to say that the car looks beautiful and how great you feel when driving...
Sustainability meets profitability: The rise of regenerative Value Chains
Nature provides us with the resources we need to operate, thrive and succeed. We are dependent on the delicate balance of the environment. Sustainability is no longer enough.